Aputure INFINIBAR 6-Way Flat Connector
The INFINIBAR 6-Way Flat Connector is ideal for filmmakers and lighting designers who want to create a rotating 6-light array of INFINIBARS to act as practical lighting elements and structures in their scene. With its spinning mount, the 6-Way Flat Connector is ideal for creating useful lighting effects, such as car process shots.
Connect Six INFINIBAR Lights (PB3/PB6/PB12) Onto a Flat Spinning Mount
DC Power Passthrough for Connected Lights
Baby Pin at Center of Connector for Rigging Onto Stands and Other Baby Pin Receivers
Secure Each INFINIBAR Safely with Four Captive 5mm Hex Screws All Metal Construction
Details of the manufacturer
- Aputure Imaging Industries Co., Ltd
- Ian Xie
- 2/F to 4/F, Building 21, Longjun Industrial Estate, Longhua, Shenzhen, China
Details of the person responsible for putting the product on the European market
- Amgreat Europe BV
- Bob Meesterman
- De Strubbenweg 15
- 1327 GB, Almere, The Netherlands
Warnings and safety information

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