Prompter People FreeStand KIT for ProLine Plus
The Prompter People FreeStand KIT for ProLine Plus is only to add or replace a the Long Back Sled, with the Lowboy and Riser to 2017 ProLine Plus Models - will not work with legacy ProLine Model. Works with all ProLine Plus models.
Medium Duty 8' Stand for 15" - 24" Teleprompters
Short Back Sled
Rapid Adapter (For our Tripod Adapter Plate)
Details of the manufacturer
- Prompter People, Inc.
- 126 Dillon Ave.
- Campbell, California, 95008, United States
Details of the person responsible for putting the product on the European market
- MarCam Europe BE bv
- Montana Mills
- Hoge Mauw 1300 bus 1
- 2370 Arendonk, Belgien
+44 (0) 1784 450 506