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FREEFLY ALTA Spare Parts Kit

FREEFLY ALTA Spare Parts Kit

SKU: 910-00165

This kit is designed to provide an assortment of items that are useful for maintaining your Freefly ALTA in the field. Includes

  • 2 x Prop Protectors
  • 2 x Battery Retention Straps
  • 4 x Antenna Tubes with Caps
  • 1 x FPV Transmitter Cable for Boscam/Skyzone
  • 1 x FPV Transmitter Cable for FatShark/Immersion RC
  • 1 x FPV Camera cable for ReadyMade RC
  • 1 x Configuration Jumper
  • 2 x Boom Retention Clips
  • 6 x Propeller Bumpers
  • 20 x 70mm Zip Tie

Angaben des Herstellers

  • freefly systems inc
  • 15540 Woodinville Redmond Rd NE Ste A800
  • Woodinville, WA, 98072-4548, Vereinigte Staaten


Angaben zu der Person, die für das Inverkehrbringen des Produkts auf dem europäischen Markt verantwortlich ist

  • avt plus media service GmbH
  • Bahrenfelder Chaussee 49E
  • 22761 Hamburg, Deutschland

+49 40 85503-400


Warnungen und Sicherheitsinformationen

Freefly Movi Battery - Safety Guidelines

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FREEFLY ALTA Vibration Isolator Cartridges
FREEFLY ALTA Vibration Isolator Cartridges ALTA payload vibration isolator cartridges feature different stiffnesses for different payload weights and can be changed out quickly without tools. Color-coded isolators allow for fast identification of the right cartridge set. The RED isolators are optimized for LIGHT payloadsThe TEAL isolators are optimized for MEDIUM  payloadsThe BLACK isolators are optimized for HEAVY payloads Includes 3 x Vibration Isolator Cartridges

39,00 €*
Brutto: 46,41 €
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