Hawk-Woods VL-MX8
Hawk-Woods VL-MX8 latest 8-channel V-Lok semi-sequential charger simultaneously charges four batteries at any one time, which then moves onto the other four channels. Given the chargers capability of charging 8x batteries the MX8 is still relatively small and compact compared to other chargers on the market which are of a similar size and only four channels. A fantastic option for charging your kit of batteries from a single solution. Channels one to four will charge firstly, these fittings are labelled at the front and side of charger. Channels five to eight will then charge once the charge has completed on the previous set.
- LED's fitted for battery status, also fitted with soft leather carry handle.
- Charging current - 2.3A
- Weight: 2.08kg
- Size: 12.5 x 15 x 21 cm